
以下为画家宝松的简介、介绍: 1950年出生,朝鲜族  中国美术家协会北京分会会员  中国书籍装祯艺术研究会会员  中国工业设计研究会,展示设计协会会员  中国工笔重彩画会会员  中国印文化研究会会员  He was born in 1950, in China  He is a member of the following organizations:  Chinese Artists’ Association;  Beijing Artists’ Association;  Researching Society of Binding Arts of Chinese Books;  Chinese Industrial Designers’ and Exhibition Designers’Association;  Society of Traditional Chinese Paintings in Fine Brushworks and Heavy Colors;  Researching Society of Chinese Seal Culture;  His paintings have repeatedly been put to display on domestic and awarded more than once.  More than 400 pieces of his works are collected by domestic and foreign people and institution.
